

GeoLiv is a small company built on the ethical foundation of permaculture and sutainability by Cathrine Dolleris. We live permaculture, teach permaculture and demonstrate permaculture. It’s all about sustainability, being green and choosing a lifestyle more in tune with the ecology where we live. We’ve been accredited as a “Learning, Activities, Network and Demonstration” (LAND) center for permaculture.Land_logo_rentegnet

GeoLiv is based in Kattekærhus, a classical Danish wattle and daube house from 1737. This old house has many challenges! Retrofitting it with organic insulation, renewable energy sources and replacing unecological building materials with organic materials are some of the projects in progress. You can come here to get inspired about retrofitting an old house like this. Volunteers are welcome.

You can also learn more about permaculture designing on one of the courses or workshops. You can stay overnight in one of the guest rooms in the house or a tent in the garden.

The garden is being designed for partly self-sufficiency. There is a forest garden, vegetable and herb patches, social spaces, a greenhouse and a courtyard. More elements are on their way!


GeoLiv organises Introduction to Permaculture 2 day courses. It is a combination of the theory and principles behind permaculture and some practical experiences. Permaculture is much more than gardening, so don’t expect a gardening course! We will look at how to design with permaculture – a tool and a philosophy that will change your life!

GeoLiv also organises one day workshops on different topics like grafting, felting, forest gardening, clay plastering, seed saving and much more.

Trudy dancing in the cob with friends Cath and Eveline


Cathrine is an accredited diploma tutor. She tutors the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.

Cathrine holds presentations in Applied Permaculture Design: 1-2 hours interactive “What is permaculture all about?”

Kattekærhus on Orø is a an old, classical country house being retro-fitted to more sustainable living. It is a work in progress that might take 10 years. Contact Cathrine for a tour of the house and garden and to see what projects are happening at the moment.

When you sign up for a course, workshop, newsletter or diploma, you accept GeoLiv’s Privatlivspolitik.

Contact me
