Stærkendevej 177
2640 Hedehusene
Advanced permaculture design course med Joe Atkinson og Cathrine Dolleris.
5 dages kursus/day course.
The main idea is to give you a chance to deepen your knowledge and practice the application of ethics, principles, design tools and other skills.
The course will be completely independent of the diploma – it is intended as a stand-alone course to develop your design skills after the PDC. However, it will be useful if you’re thinking of doing the diploma and want a bit more design confidence, or if you’re already on the diploma and would like some extra classroom-based training.
Instructors: Joe Atkinson and Cathrine Dolleris. Tour of Naturplanteskolens 400 edible plants by founder and principal of Naturplanteskolen, MSc (horticulture) Aiah Noack.
Venue: Naturplanteskolen, Stærkendevej 177, 2640 Hedehusene